
How Procedure Suite Manager Works

Procedure Suite Manager streamlines scheduling workflows by curating clinic schedulers' access to the hospital's procedure room schedule and provides visibility to the wide array of staff essential to the daily coordination of procedures.  

Procedure Suite Manager shares scheduling data with the EHR and other LiveData PeriOp Manager modules, including:


LiveData Procedure Suite Planner™

Procedure rooms require standardized processes, careful staff coordination, and resource optimization. Procedure Suite Planner streamlines procedure room scheduling by providing service line schedulers with curated access to the hospital’s EHR and procedure suite scheduling system to uncover additional opportunities to schedule procedures without adding rooms, staff, or hours of operation. Beginning with a patient’s first consult, the steps are automated and coordinated for clinicians and staff, including real-time information on procedure room availability, patient status, and other critical data that enables staff to make more informed decisions and deliver better patient care. 

By modernizing scheduling workflows, Procedure Suite Planner helps:

  • Identify opportunities: With a curated view of the hospital's procedural schedule, clinic schedulers can identify and claim open procedure suite time that was previously hidden from their view
  • Improve efficiency: Streamlined communication through Procedure Suite Planner saves time and effort for staff members, boosting their productivity and job satisfaction
  • Enhance procedural experiences: PeriOp Planner ensures patients are better prepared for their procedures and that procedure teams can deliver the highest quality of care

LiveData Patient Flow™ and LiveData Family Waiting Board™ with Mobile Messenger

 Patient Flow adds real-time patient status updates to your workflows so procedure teams can follow patients as they move through your pre-procedure processes. Family Waiting Board closes the information gap between the procedure team and waiting family members through a HIPAA-compliant wall-mounted monitor in the waiting area. Mobile Messenger text messages keep family members up-to-date with their loved one’s progress.

LiveData Procedure-Dashboard™ with Active Time Out ®

LiveData Procedure-Dashboard with Active Time Out automates the procedure safety checklist and seamlessly integrates patient EHR data in the procedure room with automated procedure workflow and patient safety processes. Capture procedural timestamps with a single click of a handheld device to increase accuracy and eliminate double documentation for procedure suite staff. 


LiveData Procedure-Schedule Board™

Procedure-Schedule Board replaces whiteboards. Throughout the procedure suite environment, wall-mounted displays provide a dynamic, real-time view of the day’s procedure caseload. Procedure-Schedule Board notifies charge nurses and procedure suite staff of schedule changes without phone calls or visits to the procedure suite. The solution automatically adjusts case start and end times based on real-time case workflow monitoring. Charge nurses and procedure suite leaders can reschedule or cancel cases in real-time, as well as make room assignment changes as the day unfolds.


LiveData Procedure Suite Analytics™

Procedure Suite Manager Analytics transforms real-time operational data from your EHR into actionable quality, compliance, and efficiency insights. Eliminate the need to export, format, and import data from multiple sources. From procedure assessments to discharge, Procedure Suite Manager Analytics provides operational status updates and notifications for each care step.

procedure suite scheduler

The Benefits of Procedure Suite Planner

EHR tools force clinic and hospital schedulers to engage in inefficient and redundant communications when identifying and claiming available procedure room time. Procedure Suite Planner solves these communication issues by allowing clinic schedulers to view procedure room availability in real-time without multiple phone calls, faxes, and endless keystrokes in the EHR. Hospital staff can confidently schedule cases and align patients with resources to ensure a seamless experience for hospital teams and patients.

Why Pick Procedure Suite Manager?

By providing real-time access to the hospital's procedure scheduling system, Procedure Suite Manager unlocks hidden opportunities for clinic schedulers to slot cases. For patients, that means they can schedule procedures sooner, which can improve outcomes and patient satisfaction. For surgeons, it helps accommodate case volume growth, benefiting both the surgeon and the hospital. 

We have worked with several leading hospitals to ensure our products address the real-world challenges they face daily. You can trust the effectiveness of our powerful tools to automate and simplify scheduling, coordination, and analysis to improve your efficiency, patient satisfaction, and the hospital’s financial health.

Request a Demo Today

When you need a reliable scheduling workflow solution to improve your procedure suite processes, Procedure Suite Manager can deliver. Request a demo today to learn more .

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